“Free those who are wrongly imprisoned... Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.” - Isaiah 58:6

The first Sunday of November is observed annually as the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. This day is dedicated to raising awareness and encouraging prayer for Christians around the world who suffer for their faith. It serves as a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility to support those oppressed for their beliefs.
How can you partner with us this year?
Engage: Invite the ADF India team to speak for 15 minutes during any of your Sunday services (on or before 3rd November 2024). We will raise awareness about the critical state of religious freedom in India. To schedule a speaking opportunity, reach out to us at communications@adfindia.org
Pray: Join us in prayer on Sunday, November 3rd, at 7:00 pm as we gather online to intercede for Christians facing persecution across India. REGISTER HERE
Support: Your support enables us to provide free legal aid to Christians persecuted for their faith. DONATE NOW
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